Metal sheet half buried in sand at the beach



8 - 17 December 2023, CCAS Manuka

This exhibition responds to the relationship between extractive industries and water. Tailings focuses on mine tailings dams, using discarded ecological matter from mining as a lens through which to examine the social, ecological, economic and health impacts of extractive industries on regional communities. Using mild steel and aluminium as a reference to mined materials, this exhibition speaks to coal mining and heavy metal mining around Baskerville’s hometown of Kandos, NSW, on Dabee Wiradjuri Country.

An important part of the artist’s process involves submerging mild steel pates in coal mine dams, allowing them to corrode. This method serves as an entry point to engage with bodies of water situated on contested extraction sites.

In early 2023, a large silver, lead and zinc mine was approved by the Independent Planning Commission for Lue, 20km from Kandos. The approval of the Bowden’s mine has raised significant concerns about the health threats posed by lead to local communities, the threat of acid mine leakage to the local river systems and the loss of vital koala habitat.

Bridget Baskerville is the recipient of the 2022 CCAS ANU SoA&D Emerging Artists Support Scheme Mentorship and Exhibition Award.

Image: Bridget Baskerville Tailings (process documentation) 2023, mild steel in tailings dam
