Over-saturated photograph of a shelf, with overlay of a carpet reading 'Yes?'

B there wif me ???


28 January - 06 February 2022 @ CCAS MANUKA

WATCH OUT! B there wif me ??? transform the gallery space into a fantasy wasteland for the viewer to relinquish reasonable thought and roam alongside imagined monsters.

WATCH OUT! B there wif me ??? explores key similarities between perceivable non-physical spaces (fantasy, the digital realm etc.) and investigates their retranslation back into physicality through the viewer’s imaginative process. Through televisual sculptural installation, the work examines the performative boundaries between childhood and adulthood, questioning the ways in which fantasy can serve as a pedagogical environment for viewers. Through both physical and non-physical mediums, the artist creates an environment which encourages and enables the viewer to engage with their internalised childhood. This process of engagement, and the conflicting state of subjectivity produced by it, ultimately constitutes the area of exploration in which the work is situated.

The work seeks to acknowledge the ill-defined and permeable nature of the boundaries between childhood and adulthood. By drawing upon autobiographical experience, the work navigates these liminal spaces through denying the dichotomy between the pictorial and sculptural and by use of the televisual. In these ways, the project creates materially rich, image-based objects which relish in transgression of boundaries.
