Interregnum – Afterimage
27 October - 5 November 2023, CCAS Manuka
This exhibition of work was created to examine outdated utopian visions of what technology could provide to society by referencing minimalist artworks of the mid-20th century, particularly those using the circle, triangle and square as a representation of the universe.
In the making of her paintings and sculptures, artist Robyn Veneer Sweeney references examples of transformations of perception: Afterimage was used as a metaphor for the relentless experience of solastalgia (loss of the familiar, especially of the environment), and A.I. with its ability to present to us a manufactured view of our world. The works explore how we artists can maintain our sense of purpose and authenticity in this ‘interregnum’ period, where we wait to see how our planet will fare with a collapsing system and what A.I. will bring to not only the arts world but every aspect of life.
Image: Robyn Veneer Sweeney Mammatus collage 1